
Forest City Stockade

We visited the Forest City Stockade last weekend. The above picture is my favorite spot, the homemade ice cream station. So delicious. Peter and I worked at the Stockade a few times when we were farming - we made the fry bread - and it was super fun and we miss it! Hopefully we can get back to volunteering when our lives settle a bit. (Will that ever happen?)

It was a fun (hot) day with a chance to chat with potters and the like. That's Tom on the wheel from the Clay Coyote. There were people making candles, soap, honey, newspaper prints, buffalo burgers, fresh apple pressed apple cider...you know, the pioneer way.
FGH and Madi had fun. They got to try out some antique desks and slates in the schoolhouse - and play games outside with the "teachers." Very adorable.

The trip to the stockade made us feel pretty darned excited about getting back into rural life. Peter is of the opinion that we move into something like this. I'm more of the opinion of something like this hobbit of a place. We've also been thinking that we will most likely be modifying an existing structure. We aren't exactly in the position to be building right now, but I think it will take a good few years to research how to build, anyway, so waiting is fine. Whatever the case, I'm now pretty keen on the idea of having a huge garden with a wooden Peter Rabbit type fence around it!


AnnaShawnLachenAkselReilly said...

Good luck meeting in the middle on the house spectrum! Both of the photos you posted seem to be in the woodsy countryside. So, good. You both want trees. Oh, and both houses seem to have roofs. So, you have that in common. Good luck! And, have fun with the new endeavor!

Katy said...

I thought the house I linked to for Peter's choice was a ridiculous caricature of a house, but no, when I showed it to him he like it! Ha ha! I think I love the cottage style. That's what I'm going with for now. I don't know what the actual qualifying features of a cottage style house are, but it seems like the exterior and interior are equally important. It will be fun to research. I'm thinking Peter will be on board with a bigger house since the house we're renting is bursting at the seems with all of our stuff.