"Guess what I found," he asked.
"My bonefolder?" I replied after a thoughtful pause. He handed me my bonefolder. I have no idea how I guessed, since it had been lost for FIVE years. It must have been in one of the boxes of vintage magazines that we had just burned. He had found it amongst the smoldering ash.
So here I am, a few months later, using my bonefolder again after a 4-years-of-farming hiatus. It's great. Bookmaking has always been looming in my life. In college I was fascinated by it, and after college I've had little spells where I've made a stack of books and sold them at an art fair here and there, or at a gift shop once in awhile. I have been missing all the precise little steps. For those of you who don't know what a bonefolder is, it's a tool, made from a bone, that is used to fold paper and smooth out air bubbles in book making.
This is quite symbolic. Your missing past rising out of the ashes. All of the work clothes of the farm went up in smoke and what was left for you sticking out of the ashes in pure white, pointing, almost like an arrow so you wouldn't miss that it was a sign that you were to move in a direction.
I like it.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, but putting it eloquently. Good stuff.
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