
Tequila and Carrots

I am sipping some tequila mixed with orange/carrot juice.  It's all we had and actually, it's tasty.  And, I'm not really sipping it, more like chugging it, not for emotional reasons but because I just had some chips and salsa from 
El Burrito Mercado and that salsa is BLASTED HOT, yet still delicious so I keep eating it in big scoops and needing some beverage to stop the burn.  

I'm officially taking classes at MCAD as of this week.  I started Graphic Design 1 on Monday, which was fun and challenging, and Intro to Web Design tonight which was a bit of a snoozer but I will learn things nonetheless.  All that web work needs to be done by someone and that someone might end up being me.  My book arts class starts next Tuesday night.  I start my weekly volunteering at the farm tomorrow.  Hmmm...a little too busy perhaps since I still have mom duty most hours of the day.  Oh well.  That's what casseroles/hot dishes are for.  What? 

And now for some summer cute:

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